Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Random Post, Update

-Only 7 more weeks! If I could have this baby tomorrow I would!
-When Jack wants me or Mike to play trains with him he says "mama/dada choo choo me". It cracks us up every time.
-He has started to touch my stomach and tell random people that I am having a baby.
-He can't say Hudson but if you ask him if the baby's name is Tom or Dave or any other random names he says no, then if you say Hudson he says yes.
-He still talks about wanting to take a bath or sleep with Hudson. I think it's cute but I hope he is not super in the baby's face and stuff like that.
-Jack likes these frozen bluberry's I bought at Costco in his cereal so every morning he asks for "baby blue balls".

1 comment:

Dana said...

Baby blue balls...that's funny!! Good luck with your last 7 weeks!