Monday, September 21, 2009

8 more weeks

I "technically" have 9 more weeks but at my last dr. appointment on friday my dr. still wants me to have the baby at 39 weeks and not 40 and was like "oh you will be home by Thanksgiving" which sounds good to me! I have been telling Mike for the past couple of weeks that if I could have this baby tomorrow I would! It's just so much harder with Jack wanting to sit on my lap, wanting to jump on me etc. My back and hips just kill!! This morning we went to Costco and as I was putting Jack into his car seat I just put him down and let him climb in. While at Costco I bought some diapers for Hudson. (I had a coupon) so I was like might as well buy them now? I never bought diapers in advance with Jack and had to make an emergency diaper run so hopefully I won't have to do that. It's nice the second time around because I have a better feeling for what I will need and what can wait. We have been looking at double strollers lately but I think we may hold off for a little bit and see exactly what our needs are. I don't want to make a big purchase like that and get the wrong thing.
A family in our ward gave us a baby swing that they no longer use so that was nice because that was one of the things I really wanted to get and can now cross of my list and saved us like $50. I never had a swing or anything like that with Jack because we just didnt have the room for it and if I need to put Jack down I just laid him on the floor or couch but I know I can't do that this time around because I will have jack running around and I would rather him not step on the baby!


Carlson Clan said...

Ellie got used to Hannah being on the floor and started to be careful (It may be different with boys though:) Also I reccommend a sit and stand stroller! I got mine on Craigslist for 50 bucks and I use it all the time!! They have them on for like 175-250 I think is the price range. I use mine for going to the park, going to the doctor's office, to the mall, wherever else I may go when I don't use a cart.

Leah said...

Yay Exciting! I recommend the bouncy seat, we really liked that because it was portable and could easily be moved from room to room. Also I have had Hudson's present sitting on my computer printer for about a month, I promise I am mailing it this weekend if it kills me! So be on the look out for that!

Ashley said...

I have a sit and stand stroller. I have really loved it and my boys (even though Josh is really getting too big for a stroller) fit comfortably in it. It's easy to get in doorways and isn't huge to collapse. I found mine on Craig's List.

Opinions are sometimes helpful, so I thought I'd share mine. BTW, love the name Hudson!!

Mary Jo said...

We were looking at the sit n stand strollers. My sister has one and Jack really likes being able to get on and off as he pleases. I normally don't really use his stroller but there have been a couple of times where he gets tired and wants to be held and I know there is no way I could hold him and push a stroller with a baby in it at the same time! I never really thought of looking for the stroller on Craigslist but I think thats a good idea. I know that brand new they are $130 which is pretty inexpensive for a double stroller!?

Stacy said...

strong stoller reccomend: