Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Out of town visitor

I love how you can be 25, married and have a child but your mother still treats you like you are in elementary school. My mom is in town this week visiting and watching Jack while I am at work. Mike is in Vegas this week for work. I love having my mom visit becuase dinner is ready when I get home from work, she does my laundry and cleans my whole apartment!! This morning she even insisted on packing a lunch for me. I believe I may be the only one who has a brown bag lunch here in my office today.

On the 4th we are leaving for NYC/Connecticut for a week to visit Mike's family and do some sight seeing. I am really excited but hessitant to travel that far with a baby. I am not looking forward to the 6 hour plane ride and a 3 hour time difference throwing off his schedule!! Not to mention that his top teeth are coming in so that always makes for a good time! My mom discovered that it looks like the front four our coming in. Not just the front two but also the ones next to those. I also need to go buy the boy some actual winter clothes that I know he will probably not wear once we get back to southern California.


Robby said...

I love my mom and I love my m-in-law, but it always seems to be fun when they visit...for about an hour and then things kinda get repetitive.

Maybe its a generational thing but I always feel like I'm a kid around them too.

Going to NYC sounds fun though, even with baby in toe. Jealous.

Stacy said...

I am waiting for a new post.