Tuesday, September 4, 2007


So anyone that that watches the news or lives in Southern California knows that it has been rediculously hot! It wouldn't be that bad but when you are used to alot cooler weather and do not have central air, as most apartments don't its not very fun! Our only solution to this problem was to not stay at home. Friday night when Mike got home from work we went to the mall and just walked around enjoying the free A.C. Saturday we went to Target, Baby's R Us and out to pizza. At Baby's R Us we bought Jack this great high chair that that hooks onto our dinning room table and Jack really likes it becuase he is part of the action and can see me in the kitchen and feels like he is part of the family during meals. The only down side is that he has discovered banging his sippy cup on our (somewhat) new table. I need to find a placemat to absorb some of the abuse from the table. Sunday night we went swimming and Jack enjoyed it alot more than his previous dip in the pool a couple of months ago. He even went under water a couple of times and he didn't even cry. Monday Mike and I both had the day off so we drove to L.A. to visit our friends the Peelers. They live in alot cooler weather and have A.C.!!!! We went to lunch at El Torito Grill then stopped at Baby's R Us on the way back to their house. We watched the movie 300 which seemed to not really have a story just a bunch of fighting.

Last Sunday Mike's mom came to visit and watched Jack during the day while Mike and I were at work. Jack really seemed to enjoy staying at home with her and she bought him lots of great clothes and toys. I have taken lots of pictures but just need to figure out how to post them.


Robby said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures!

Congratulations on having your own blog. Now all you need to do is injure yourself like Leah and I do so you can post it for all the internetz to see.

Stacy said...

Yeah for your blog. I have to say I like it better then myspace.
Love ya!