Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So it has been like 2 months since I last posted. There have been many times where I have thought "I need to get on my blog" but haven't. There have also been some exciting things happening. On March 20th I found out that I am pregnant (I think most people know that by now) I am 14 weeks and over any sort of morning sickness/yuckyness that I had before. This pregnancy has been easier than with Jack as far as morning sickness. I also found out today that I have gestational diabetes like I did with Jack which is always good times (sarcasm). My due date is Nov. 25th and we find out the sex in July which I am excited about!

We (Jack and I) have been staying pretty busy during the days while Mike is at work. We go to a little play/mom group twice a month and have made friends with a couple in our building that has a little boy the same age as Jack so we usually get together and do something once a week. Jack still has an obsession with pretty much all animals and is talking more and more. He says about half of the colors blue, black, green, yellow and pink. He will say things like "Blue car" when we are driving down the street and random things like that when he see's them.

On Friday night we had our first "child saying something embarrasing" moment. We were eating dinner in a restaurant and I said to Mike "I have to go to the bathroom really quick" and Jack starts to stand up because he wants to come with me and Mike tells Jack to sit down and by this time Jack is standing up in the booth and says "No, mama pee pee". I guess because he wanted to come to the bathroom with me? Mike and I just started laughing.


Carlson Clan said...

haha! That's so funny! Ellie calls everyone Grandma and Grandpa no matter how old they are...it's pretty hilarious!

Brooke said...

I knew that you were pregnant, but I didn't tell you Congrats. So CONGRATS!! My little sister is due the same day as you guys! I am excited for you guys!