Friday, October 19, 2007

Such a big boy.

So on Monday Jack had a doctors appointment for some immunizations and a general check up. He weighs 19 pounds and I forget how many inches he is. He is in the 75th percentile for weight and the 95th for length. The doctor commented on what a "long slender baby" he is. He has deffinetly lost all baby fat. Not that there was ever alot to begin with. He is really looking more and more like a "little boy". His newest tricks are clapping and he can go from a laying down position to sitting up all by himself. This morning I noticed him clawing/grabbing at the couch I think in an attempt to pull himself up. It's funny to see his little personality start to come out. The other day he was playing with my keys and began to suck on them and I took them away from him and he started screaming which has never happened before when I have taken something away. He just talks and talks which always makes Mike and I laugh outloud becuase his little voice is so cute! He is probably going to start to crawl soon because he has started getting all of the way up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He usually does that until one of his arms gives out and he falls on his face.
The other week we bought him a halloween costume. It is a puppy costume which is basically just a sleeper outfit with a tail and a hood with ears. He looks very cute in it and we will probably dress him up in it for our church halloween party. Once again I need to learn how to post pictures on here!


Stacy said...

the square pic next to the abc thing when you are posting is what you click on to post a pic. then just browse your computer for the pic you want.

Anonymous said...

Posting a pic with Blogger is easy. Just click icon of a picture (if you scroll over, it says "add pic") and browse your computer or paste the url for a photo you already uploaded to your picasa account.

I browsed through some of your pics, and Jack is far too cute not to be featured prominently on your blog! I love his Halloween photos.

Anonymous said...

Please tell Jack thank you for the clothes, I wore one of his old outfits today and looked super cute in it!

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged! Check my blog for details.