Friday, August 28, 2009

Heads Up

So this afternoon I made an unscheduled visit to my OB. Yesterday I noticed that Hudson hadn't really been moving as much and as strong as he normally does. So after lunch I was sitting with Jack trying to get him to take a nap while poking my stomach trying to get Hudson to kick back. It wasn't working and it was starting to freak me out! I normally am not the type of person to call the Dr. with silly little questions but I knew it was Friday and they are closed for the weekend. So I called and the nurse was like wait a couple more hours and if he still isn't moving alot then go into labor and delivery. I was just like can't I come down to the office then I remembered it was Friday and they close at noon on Fridays. Then after talking some more she was like well can you be here soon and I was like yeah I live down the street so they hooked me up and did a non stress test which measures all of the baby's movements and heart rate and everything was fine. My Dr. then did an ultrasound to check all of the fluids and everything looks good! I had her double check that it is a boy and she said yes it's a boy and he is still breech. He was breech at 20 weeks. So the plan is they will do another ultrasound at like 35 weeks to see if he flips and if he hasn't they will go ahead and schedule a c section just to get me in the hospitals schedule but do another ultrasound before going ahead with the c section. She said because I have had a c section it's too dangerous to try and have her turn him. So right now he is head up and it's funny because I can actually feel his head. I never knew if it was a head or a bum.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Scaredy Cat

A couple of weeks ago Mike introduced Jack to Scooby Doo. Jack loved it and would watch episodes here and there. They were more recently made. Almost all of them would include some sort of "bad guy". Pirates, surfing zombies etc. Well around that same time Jack started waking up in the middle of the night screaming for Mike and just kinda freaking out. A couple of times Mike tried to get him to go back to sleep but I guess he would just cling onto Mike and he was just trembling Mike said. This was very unusual because Jack has always been a great sleeper and started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks! Well we kinda put 2 and 2 together and have come to the conclusion that maybe Jack should not be watching scary stuff any more. So far it has seemed to make a difference! Hopefully he will get back to sleeping better. I really don't want to have to deal with getting up with a newborn and Jack! Although really Mike has been dealing with Jack and sleeping on Jack's floor. I am sure that if I wasn't 6 months pregnant Mike would make me take a turn of sleeping on the floor lol

Monday, August 10, 2009

Swiffer Sweeper

Jack loves to help me when I vacuum and dust. Most of the time he ends up doing the majority of the dusting because he won't let me do it! I buy those swiffer sweepers and Jack loves to walk around dusting everything.

I wonder if he will be this much of a help when the baby comes?! Maybe if I keep certain baby things within his reach I could say "Jack get me a diaper, Jack get me a bottle"? It may be wishful thinking?!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Potty Training

Last night while at Target I bought a pack of peanut M&M's to keep in our cupboard as a treat for Jack for going potty. While he has never had peanut M&M's he wanted one right away but Mike explained to him that he would only get one when he goes pee in the potty. Well by the time we got home, after stopping at Olive Garden for dinner, Jack had forgotten about the M&M's. So this morning after getting out of the bath and sitting on the couch wrapped up in his towel I asked Jack if he needed to go pee. Then he got super excited because he remembered the M&M's. So he went pee on his little potty then I told him to go put on some underwear thinking that maybe I could get him to wear underwear for a little bit but I found him in his closert trying to reach his diapers. I asked him if he wanted to wear underwear and he said no and then I asked him if he wanted to wear a diaper and he said yes. Then of course he wanted his M&M!

I am really just trying to follow Jack's cues and don't want to force him to wear underwear or drag him to the toilet crying. I would rather change diapers then scrub pee out of my carpet all day. Last thursday he wore underwear for a good 4 hrs. without any accident. He even sat through dinner just fine. I would really like to have Jack potty trained by the time I have the baby but that is less than four months away!! I would like to do this not so much because I hate changing diapers because I don't but it's more because diapers are expensive and 2 in diapers in twice the $$.

I seriously, seriously wish there was somebody I could just pay to do this. lol And you would think that with the promise of an M&M everytime he goes pee would be a good incentive but apparently Jack doesn't care that much?