Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My little gymnast

Jack started taking classes at The Little Gym. He seems to have alot of fun and really enjoy himslef. I really don't think he will become a gymnast or anything he just like hanging on the bars and jumping off of the balance beam. He goes every Wednesday and it is a 45 min. class. It is a "mommy and me" class because the kids are so young. I just make sure he doesn't hit a kid and shares. He really likes it and follow directions pretty well!


Anonymous said...

You guys look really cute! I wanted to take Gavin to Gymboree but the only classes for his age group are during his nap times :(

SusieQ said...

Looks like tons of fun! BTW: Tag! You're it!! (check my blog)

Brooke said...

Jack does look like you. I do see a lot of Mike in him also. What a cute kid! I am excited that he is in gymnastics!! GO JACK!